BEWARE of false calls from these numbers:


+44 +357+41+40+49... be very careful, they are from people who want to scam you.


Calls on WhatsApp from numbers you do not know are made by people who want to cheat you.


WARNING, lately there have also been people calling posing as our company, **We never call, it is our customers who call us**


Always remember that if you send money to any Offshore company you will never see it again and it will be very difficult to get it back.


Also be careful never to allow anyone to share your screen and access your computer, many people are tricked by this system (e.g. through the use of AnyDesk, TeamViewer, etc.).


These pseudo-companies may also send you documents to try to convince you, so you have to be very careful because in 99.9% of cases they are always fake documents even if they bear logos, stamps, etc. of banks or various institutions/entities.


Companies that contact you with unsolicited calls, proposing a small initial investment in forex, crypto or shares have a very high probability of being scam brokers.


The list of scam brokers is periodically updated on the basis of CONSOB (Italian Financial Market Supervisory Authority) publications as well as AMF (French supervisory authority) and FCA (London) blacklist updates.


The updated list can be found on CONSOB's "Notices to Investors" page at:


Contact me and I will give you all the information you need to avoid running into these companies, for free.

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